Take your dog to work day – 24 June 2022

I am so proud of myself WOOF WOOF

Otis is our resident puppy and he brings a smile to everyone’s face that enters the office. If you can’t find him at first, just follow his trail. His favourite playthings are cat toys and paper.

Otis is very happy about his work arrangement. He enjoys a daily commute and gets to spend time under Shelley and Bec’s desk. He will happily keep your feet warm for a small treat, until something better comes along. There are so many interesting things to explore in the office. Otis has a very big bucket list. He even enjoys sitting on Dev’s lap and will watch the screen intently, whilst Dev enters data.

We still take our work very seriously at Urbaqua, but it is nice to have the energy of a dog in the office.

National Take Your Dog to Work Day began in 1999 to celebrate the joys of canine companionship and encourage non dog owners to consider adopting a dog in need. Research has shown that dog ownership has a positive impact on our mental health.

So remember June 24th and bring your dog to the work.